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Vigna, ' SNOOZE: toward a possible book arterial stiffness implications and interventions development country ', Information Security Conference( ISC), Samos Island, GREECE, September 2006. USENIX Internet Measurement Conference( IMC), Berkeley, California, USA, October 2005. 11b Wireless Networks ', Sigcomm Workshop on Experimental Approaches to Wireless Network Design and Analysis( EWIND), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 2005. Almeroth, ' An Experimental Study of Multimedia Traffic Performance in Mesh Networks ', MobiSys International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling( WitMeMo), Seattle, Washington, USA, June 2005. Belding-Royer, ' A book arterial stiffness implications for the Management of Large-Scale Wireless Network Testbeds ', International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurement( WiNMee), Trentino, ITALY, April 2005. Almeroth, ' DAMON: A Distributed Architecture for Monitoring Multi-hop Mobile Networks ', IEEE International Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks( SECON), Santa Clara, California, USA, October 2004. Belding-Royer, ' A Scalable Framework for Wireless Network Monitoring ', ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots( WMASH), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2004.