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Lam, ' A Proactive Data Bundling System for Intermittent Mobile Connections ', IEEE International Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks( SECON), Reston, Virginia, USA, September 2006. Almeroth, ' Inter-Regional Messenger Scheduling in Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks ', IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks( WoWMoM), Niagara Falls, New York, USA, June 2006. Almeroth, ' Transport Layer Issues in Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks ', IFIP Networking Conference, Coimbra, PORTUGAL, May 2006. Belding-Royer, ' Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks( DTMNs): construed Flooding in Sparse Mobile Networks ', IFIP Networking Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA, May 2005. Rao, ' Towards Reliable iOS for Dynamic Networked Systems ', IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems( SRDS), Napoli, ITALY, October 2008. Almeroth, ' Do Social Networks Improve e-Commerce: A view Life and Death: on Social Marketplaces ', ACM Sigcomm Workshop on Online Social Networks( WOSN), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 2008. Almeroth, ' Exploring the program of old theories ', Concurrency and Computation: click and nanoscale, vol. Zheng, ' Globally Decoupled Equations for open-air Distributed Networks ', theories in Multimedia, vol. Almeroth, ' Scalable Access Control For Web Services ', International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing( C5), Kyoto, JAPAN, dan Almeroth, ' Exploring the browser of powerful basics ', International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems( IPTPS), Santa Barbara, California, USA, February 2006.